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You Delivered. Now It’s Our Turn

We’re amazed by how readers responded to our election coverage fundraiser. And we’re already hard at it.

Jeanette Ageson 19 Jun 2024The Tyee

Jeanette Ageson is publisher of The Tyee.

Well, that was quite something.

A little over three weeks ago, we issued a challenge to our readers — contribute to an election reporting fund at The Tyee, and we’ll put our newsroom of talented journalists to work with better resources for the upcoming B.C. and federal elections.

As a non-profit newsroom that operates without a paywall, without forcing people to pay to read our articles, fundraising drives like this are how we fuel our operations.

And wow, did you ever come through! We initially set a target of $65,000 to properly equip our newsroom and pay for extra travel, research and the like. To our great surprise, we hit that target way early, so we upped the ante to a goal of $120,000.

By our deadline on Monday evening, Tyee readers had contributed around $114,000, and the contributions are still trickling in.

We’ve raised enough to bring on some extra journalism talent during the upcoming election seasons to dig up information you won’t read anywhere else.

And already you can see results in our pages. Just this week so far we’ve run these pieces:

The BC Government’s Critical Affordability Battle
With an election four months away, rising costs for basics have become a key issue. By Andrew MacLeod

Pay Attention, Canada, to Europe’s Hard Right Parties
Their issues, tactics and success serve as troubling lessons as our federal election looms closer. By Michael Harris

Extremist Diagolon ‘Terror Tour’ Is Coming to Vancouver
Members have targeted South Asian MPs and celebrated violence. How to respond. By Jen St. Denis

It’s Open Season for Secretly Funded Political Attack Ads
A scary commercial on Rustad and Falcon is the latest example of unregulated campaigns. By Andrew MacLeod

And this piece from last Friday.

Who’s Subverting Canadian Democracy?
The recent report on foreign interference has us scanning for global culprits. But we must also investigate ourselves. By Crawford Kilian

And later this week look for the first of our Tyee fact-checks on politicians’ claims — this one about drug-related deaths, reported by Jen St. Denis.

Thanks to you, we’re just getting revved up.

Our official fundraising campaign period is over, but of course, readers are welcome (and encouraged!) to sign up as contributing Tyee Builders at any time.

From everyone at The Tyee, we offer our deepest appreciation to our community of readers who help make our journalism happen. We couldn’t do it without you.  [Tyee]

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