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Support The Tyee, Get Sweet, Sweet Swag

Our election reporting fundraiser ends Monday. Show everyone you're a proud Tyee Builder with free merch.

Tyee Staff 12 Jun 2024The Tyee

We know that people choose to read and support The Tyee because they value our journalism and want to help us do more of it. For this we are immensely grateful.

But did you know that as a supporter, you can get eye-catching Tyee merch as well?

If you’re reading this, it could be because our swag has caught your eye. You either want it for yourself (yay, represent) or for someone else (maybe your cool niece will love it). In any case, you’re here, so let us tell you what’s in store.

And if you’ve been toying with the idea of becoming a Tyee supporter, now is an excellent time. We’re in the last week of a fundraising drive to equip our team to report on the upcoming B.C. and federal elections. Our deadline is Monday. Sign up and show your support.

The Tyee is mainly funded by our readers who we call Builders. They help us immensely in keeping independent media alive and swimming. They allow us to focus on creating a paywall-free independent news magazine instead of chasing advertising sales, and our reporters are able to produce impactful stories and do in-depth coverage of issues and communities that are often overlooked. And that’s rewarding on its own.

To sweeten the deal and show our special thanks, we have custom, high-quality utility items exclusively for those who sign up as monthly or annual recurring supporters.

Want to contribute to The Tyee but don’t want the swag? Don’t worry, we realize not everyone wants more stuff! That’s why we don’t automatically mail you things without asking first. You can always opt out of receiving goods when you complete your payment online.

For those who appreciate receiving cool free stuff, especially things they can use in their daily life, we want to offer an extra incentive to take the plunge and sign up to contribute financially. Show off your role in supporting The Tyee community and you might just spot other readers in the wild.

Supporters of all levels will receive our special Builders-only newsletter every two to three months, updating our supporters on The Tyee’s journalism and the impact their money has made.

A person holds a yellow card with a round yellow lapel pin that says 'THE TYEE' attached to it.
Show off your Tyee Builder status with our newly minted Tyee pin. Photo for The Tyee by Christopher Cheung, modelling by Pippa Norman.

Tier 1: Give at any level
Custom Tyee lapel pin

Contribute any amount and receive a Tyee lapel pin to wear on your favourite denim jacket, plus a thank-you card you can put on your fridge.

A person holds a thin brown paper notebook with 'thoughts,' 'facts,' 'observations' and other bullet points on the cover, and '' at the bottom.
Jot down those endless to-do lists in this compact Tyee notebook. Photo for The Tyee by Christopher Cheung, modelling by Pippa Norman.

Tier 2: $15/month or $180/year
Custom Tyee lapel pin and pocket notebook

At this level, you’ll receive the pin mentioned above plus a sleek pocket notebook to capture all your thoughts, ideas for upcoming projects, doodles and to-do lists.

The notebook is three-by-five inches and handcrafted in Portland, Oregon. Printed with vegetable-based inks on 100 per cent recycled papers, it’s made with offset presses powered by renewable energy.

A woman with light skin, blond hair and a nose ring stands on the grass with a black tote bag over her shoulder that reads 'THE TYEE' in white all-caps letters.
Yup, we got a real person to sport it and it looks very nice (if we say so ourselves!). Photo for The Tyee by Christopher Cheung, modelling by Pippa Norman.

Tier 3: $25/month or $240/year
Custom Tyee lapel pin, pocket notebook and tote

Readers that contribute at this level will receive everything mentioned above plus a Tyee tote. Not a flimsy tote that will last just a few uses, but one built to last. This durable, heavy-duty cotton bag is big enough for some serious farmers market expeditions and will service all your summer errands around town.

A person holds a black mug with 'I heart Indie Media' and '' in white lettering.
Let your love for indie media shine with this Tyee mug. Photo for The Tyee by Christopher Cheung, modelling by Pippa Norman.

Tier 4: $50/month or $300/year
Custom Tyee lapel pin, pocket notebook, tote and indie media mug

Get all of the things! You’ll receive everything we mentioned above plus a custom 15-ounce indie media Tyee mug.

Whether or not Tyee merch is for you, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much for believing in us! We truly couldn’t put out The Tyee every day without the generous support of our readers.

We’re in the final days of our spring fundraising drive to raise $120,000 for more election reporting. Help us hit our target and sign up today.  [Tyee]

Read more: Media

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